Dry Skin Brushing to Reduce Celluilte

I found out a simple way to remove toxins and reduce cellulite;it's called Dry Skin Brushing

I found out about dry skin brushing when I was looking for something to get rid of my cellulite. The research I had done states that is not only good for cellulite reduction, but it also helps to eliminate toxins from your blood, It increase circulation and makes the skin glow.

You can get a dry skin brush form any natural food store like Whole Foods, you might find it at Walmart too. The magic to this is increasing circulation, heats up the body to help soften up the harden fat (cellulite) underneath the skin's surface while helping to bring blood to the surface of the skin which equals glow, ladies.
Proper movement for skin brushing
  • Always brush before taking a shower so that you wash off the toxins and waste that come to the surface of the skin. 
  • Remember, never put any oils or lotions on your body before you brush, the skin must me completely dry for it to be effective.
  • It should take you at least 5-10 minutes to get good stimulation going. 
  • Oh, and always start brushing from the soles of your feet going in an upward motion towards your heart.
It will take time to see the results, but as with everything , you stick with it and you will improve. When you start your skin brushing regimen drop me a line and let me know how it goes and what benefits you see in your skin.

Dry Skin Brush

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